Soliloquio (I woke up and hit my head against the wall) by Tiziano Cruz draws from the echoes of his childhood and the 58 letters he wrote to his mother during the Covid-19 pandemic. The performance seeks to exorcise centuries of abuse and erasure, shining a light on the defolklorized cultures of the indigenous communities in northern Argentina, where Cruz’s was born and raised. Reaching his mother across boundaries of geography and class, Cruz uses the letters as the starting point for a critique of the powers that uphold discrimination, exclusion, and injustice, extending even into the art world. 

Soliloquio (I woke up and hit my head against the wall) is the second chapter of a trilogy that has ushered Cruz into the previously uncharted territory of contemporary performance. It stands as a manifesto for the acknowledgment of diversity. Urgent and generous, this performance is an invitation to actively build the future, rather than merely waiting for it. 

Tiziano Cruz is an interdisciplinary artist whose work fundamentally brings together visual and theatrical language, performance and artistic intervention in public space. Tiziano has been a grantee of the Fondo Nacional de las Artes and the Instituto Nacional del Teatro ARG. He was a winner of the Bienal de Arte Joven 2019 and winner of the ANTI award, Finland, 2023. He is the founder of the Cultural Management Platform ULMUS, dedicated to the mediation between different cultural organizations in Argentina and neighbouring countries. He has worked as Content Producer at the Centro Cultural Recoleta in Buenos Aires. His works have toured Chile, Brazil, Mexico, the USA, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, France, Finland and the USA.