Moving in November festival in Helsinki and Institut finlandais (the Finnish Institute in France) launch together a new collaboration providing an opportunity to foster exchange between the two cities (Helsinki-Paris), the two countries (Finland-France) and several international partners. The collaboration is based on a model by following and supporting one Finland-based choreographer per year to produce a new piece, and to include a residency and the presentation of the work in Paris. Vice versa, a similar wish exists to host each year a French choreographer in Helsinki, in order to support the work with a residency and presentation.

During the operating year 2020, the collaboration was started with a co-production order from the choreographer Veli Lehtovaara and the piece Corpus Hubris, whose work period sets between 2020–2022. Luiz de Abreu’s O Samba do Crioulo Doido and Antonia Baehr’s and Latifa Laâbiss’s Consul and Meshie were presented during the Moving in November festival in November 2020. During that time, the visits of the performers were supported by the TelepART mobility program, organised by the Finnish Institutes of culture and science. The work is co-produced by in France by La Briqueterie – Centre de développement choréographique national du Val-de-Marne

“During the era of an environmental crisis, a profound change in the mindsets and practices is highly  needed. As promoters and producers of the art of dance, we have the responsibility to promote sustainable change and provide alternative ways for thinking, discussing, experiencing and acting”, says Kerstin Schroth, Artistic Director of the festival Moving in November. “This is done by providing projects with long periods for research and production, active international dialogue, good working conditions and new opportunities for collaboration in another country, as well as public and local professional networks for the artists. The aim is to jointly promote the art of dance, which is exploratory and sustainable”, adds Johanna Råman, the Director of the Institut finlandais.

Through the collaboration, new opportunities are created for dialogue, networking and collaboration between professionals in the field of dance in Finland and France.

Institut finlandais (The Finnish Institute in France)

Institut finlandais is an independent and multidisciplinary platform between Finland and France. In collaboration with different international institutions, academia and creatives, Institut finlandais engages actively with critical discourse through its onsite and off-site programming. We seek to explore how a cultural framework can foster international conversations in creative fields, such as design, fashion, architecture, cinema and performing arts.